
We aim to provide you with the highest standards of service, however there may be occasions when the service you receive does not meet your expectations. Telling us about it gives us a chance to fix things.

We want to:

  • Make it easy for you to raise your complaint
  • Listen to your complaint
  • Consider how you would like us to remedy your complaint
  • Make sure you are satisfied with how your complaint was handled
How to Contact us

By email to Bueno: support@getbueno.com
By email to SEFIDE: operaciones@momopocket.com

What We Need

Please provide us with as much information as possible when making your complaint. This will help us to understand the issue and resolve it quickly. Please include:

  • Your name and address
  • Your account details
  • A description of your complaint and how it’s affected you
  • When the issue happened
  • Your contact details and how you would like us to contact you
What to Expect Next
Immediately Our aim is to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, but you will receive a response from us within 1 business day so you know we have received your complaint. This will contain your complaint reference number for your records and will help us find your information quickly should you need to contact us.
5 business days If we have been unable to resolve your complaint within 5 business days, we will write to you and:
• Explain why we have not managed to resolve your complaint
• Tell you how long we expect to take to resolve it
• Confirm that your complaint has now been forwarded to SEFIDE, the Program Manager, for review

15 business days In most cases, SEFIDE will be able to resolve your complaint within 15 business days. If they have not resolved it within 15 business days, they will write to you to confirm either:
1. Your complaint has been accepted and, if applicable, offer a remedy;
2. Your complaint has been rejected but will include information on how we can fix the problems you are experiencing;
3. Reject your complaint and let you know why they are doing so; or
4. Advise that your complaint may take further time to resolve, explain why and provide you a date they, or the financial services partner, will respond by. This will be no longer than 35 days from when you first registered your complaint.
35 business days After the 35 days, if your complaint relates to your debit card or SEFIDE account, in our 35 day response we will provide you the contact details for The Bank of Spain which you can contact with an official complaint.
What if you're not happy with the response?

If your complaint relates to your SEFIDE account
(You can identify your account provider in your terms and conditions)

If you don’t agree with our response, your complaint relates to your SEFIDE account and you wish to take it further, in the first instance you should contact SEFIDE, Av. De la Ciencia 2-3, 1806 Granada, Spain by emailing atencionalcliente@sefide.com, web www.sefide.com for further assistance.

If having exhausted the SEFIDE complaints process, you remain unhappy, you may seek further assistance by contacting the Banco de Espana, Servicio de reclamaciones, Alcala 50, 28014 Madrid, by telephone +34 913 385 068, or by email (in Spanish) via the BdE website:
